In just over 5 months, manufacturers and distributors of lithium cells and batteries and equipment powered by cells and batteries must make available a “test summary” as specified in the Manual of Tests and Criteria, Part III, sub-section 38.3, paragraph 38.3.5.
It should be noted that the test summary also applies to the cells and batteries contained in equipment at such time when the cell or battery is added to a product.
There is no defined format for the test report, but it must contain the minimum information listed below:

Providing a link to a website would be sufficient, but If other means are used, manufacturers and distributors should be provided a reasonable amount of time to provide the test summary.
The intention is not to provide printed copies of the test summary with each consignment of lithium batteries.
The requirement also applies to lithium battery powered vehicles (UN3171) and hybrid vehicles containing lithium batteries (UN3166).