Addendum to the (2025) 66th Edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations coming soon?

With the introduction of Sodium Ion Batteries into the 66th Edition of the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations, there appear to be a few errors and omissions in the publication which will hopefully be addressed through an addendum before it enters into force on the 1st January 2025.

1.6 Adequate Instructions for Shipping Section II Lithium Batteries will need to read “Adequate Instructions for Shipping Section II Lithium Batteries and Sodium Ion Batteries. The text will also need to include reference to Section II of the Sodium ion battery packing instructions 977 & 978.

1.6.2 – 1st and 2nd bullet should read:
● Classification of lithium batteries and sodium ion batteries being shipped
● Documentation and procedures applied to lithium batteries and sodium ion batteries being shipped

2.3 Dangerous Goods Carried by Passengers and Crew
No mention of Sodium ion batteries? (Also missing from the ICAO TI). Sodium Ion Batteries assigned entries:
UN3553 Sodium ion batteries packed with equipment should read “UN3552”.

Packing Instructions 977 & 978 Section II is missing reference to dangerous goods in passenger and crew baggage, therefore indicating sodium ion cells and batteries packed with or contained in equipment Section II are not subject to any restrictions (in passenger and crew baggage) as indicated in PI966, 967, 969 & 970? (Also missing from the ICAO TI)

Can we also look forward to “several” pages of operator variation changes, as you will notice there are no state or operator variation codes in any of the new packing instructions?